Road lights were running both sides like in this old sci-fi scene movie he once saw as a boy. Tonight he was thinking on her, as usual, repeating endlessly the words she said to him: "They do not masturbate thinking on me, they just fuck me".
Then he throttled up suddenly as if he could just break through the reality and jump into these new brilliant worlds. How much did it hurt —he thought—, just like little knives puncturing his heart, and why would she tell him that? Why?
She probably didn't care, or didn't notice, or didn't mean to.
Warm tears flooded his eyes and brought a kaleidoscope of feelings and night lights. Why did she say that?
But if you run fast enough, you can leave the pain behind —he remembered. So he throttled up even more to leave the pain behind. It was very strange when vibrations and noise faded away.
Then the portal came past and he saw it was full of stars.

Feeling's Gone is the first single from the Brooklyn based duo Beacon —Thomas Mullarney III and Jacob Gossett— and its blend of atmospheric vocals, pulsating synth layers and minimal drum beats make me think about fractured love and sex in its in crescendo.
It's yet to be explained why, but video and music combine perfectly in this run that I added to the already extensive Stargate dubbings collection for this tale.